
Employee Background Check

Conducted correctly, background checks are a valuable component of the hiring process. Conducting background checks is an important part of building your team of employees. Background checks should only be conducted by legally compliant third-party providers. When done correctly, pre-employment background checks can give you some peace of mind that Read more…


How to find talent on a budget

It’s normal for job seekers to apply for positions despite not fitting all the criteria and this massive number of under-qualified applicants makes it difficult to hire efficiently and effectively. Large companies can invest in engaging passive candidates: qualified candidates that aren’t actively looking for a new job. The process of identifying Read more…


Checklist: New Hire Paperwork

Employee name: ____________________________________  Date of hire: _______________________________________    Job title: __________________________________________  Department: _______________________________________ ☐ Personnel file created. ☐ Confidential medical file created. ☐ Reference checks completed and filed. ☐ Background check results received and reviewed. ☐ Physical exam results received and reviewed. ☐ Drug test received and reviewed. ☐ I-9 documents reviewed. ☐ Read more…